La Challenge Cros Escolar – Kids Races in Barcelona

The Cross Challenge is made up of seven races spread over seven parks in different districts of Barcelona. The competition seeks to promote sport, in this specific case athletics, among the children and youth of the city. They can participate individually or through their schools.

Here is the planning for ’22 ’23

1. Cros de Sant Martí
2. Cros de Sants Montjuïc
3. Cros de Les Corts
4. Cros de Sarrià Sant Gervasi
5. Cros de l’Eixample
6. Cros de Ciutat Vella
7. Cros de Nou Barris
8. Cros de Sant Andreu
13 de novembre
18 de desembre
22 de gener
5 de ferbrer
26 de febrer
12 de març
16 d’abril
14 de maig
CEM La Mar Bella i Parc del Poblenou
Parc de les Fonts de Montjuïc
Parc de la Maternitat
Parc de l’Oreneta
Parc Joan Miró
Moll de la Fusta i Plaça de l’ictineo
Parc Central de Nou Barris
Parc de la Llera del Riu Besòs
10h – 13h
10h – 13h
10h – 13h
10h – 13h
10h – 13h
10h – 13h
10h – 13h
10h – 13h

Find all the information and register now through the Council APP or the website:

Kevin Haesendonck

Kevin Haesendonck is a long-distance runner from Leuven (BE) who became best known for diving under 3 hours at the Antwerp Marathon in 2013. He was the founder of the Belgian runners' collective "de Bosrunners" and discoverer of the man with the hammer at 15 km in the marathon. After his retirement at the highest level, he moved to Barcelona, from where he continues to share his knowledge and experience.

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